x Racetrack-News: WSBK Silverstone Samstag

Sonntag, 4. August 2013

WSBK Silverstone Samstag


Silverstone – Qualifikationstraining 2 & Superpole.
Samstag, 3. August 2013.

Wetter: Überwiegend sonnig mit etwas Regen am Nachmittag.
Temperatur: Luft: 19 – 23 °C, Strecke: 23 – 36 °C
Teilnehmende Fahrer: 18 von 11 Teams
Schnellste Runde Qualifikationstrainings: Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) 2:05.355 min
Schnellste Runde Superpole 3: Eugene Laverty (Aprilia Racing Team) 2:04.730 min

Das BMW Motorrad GoldBet SBK Team erlebte im britischen Silverstone einen schwierigen Samstag, der jedoch noch ein teilweise versöhnliches Ende nahm. Werksfahrer Chaz Davies (GBR) erreichte das gesteckte Ziel, aus einer der beiden vordersten Reihen zu starten. Der Waliser belegte mit seiner BMW S 1000 RR in der turbulenten Superpole-Qualifikation den sechsten Rang. Damit startet er bei der neunten Runde der FIM Superbike-Weltmeisterschaft 2013 aus der zweiten Reihe. Seinem Teamkollegen Marco Melandri (ITA) war es wegen eines mechanischen Problems nicht möglich, in der Superpole anzugreifen. Er wird von Platz 15 aus in die morgigen Rennen starten.

Der Tag begann ganz nach Plan, und das Team setzte im zweiten Qualifikationstraining am Vormittag die Vorbereitungsarbeit fort. Doch während des freien Trainings am Mittag wendete sich das Blatt. Chaz musste wegen eines mechanischen Problems zur Box zurückkehren und verlor viel Trainingszeit. Marco stürzte und musste ins Medical Centre gebracht werden. Er zog sich jedoch glücklicherweise nur leichtere Verletzungen zu und konnte in der folgenden Superpole-Qualifikation an den Start gehen.

Dort konnte Marco jedoch nur eine fliegende Runde absolvieren, bevor er aufgrund eines mechanischen Problems am Streckenrand stehenblieb. Damit war die Superpole für ihn beendet, er musste sich mit Rang 15 begnügen. Chaz ging im ersten Teil der Session zweimal auf die Streckte. In seinem zweiten Outing holte er mit Qualifikationsreifen die Bestzeit, mit der er in den zweiten Abschnitt einzog. In der Superpole 2 nutzte Chaz seinen anderen Qualifikationsreifen und erreichte den entscheidenden dritten Teil. In der Superpole 3 versuchte Chaz auf Rennreifen, das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu holen. Dann wurde die Session abgebrochen, da es über Teilen der Strecke zu regnen begonnen hatte. Der Modus wurde geändert, und die neun Fahrer, die sich für die Superpole 3 qualifiziert hatten, traten nun in einer 20-minütigen „Wet Superpole“ an. Während dieser Session herrschten wechselhafte Bedingungen, und die Fahrer verbrachten die meiste Zeit in der Box. Doch gegen Ende der Qualifikation besserten sich die Bedingungen wieder, und drei Minuten vor Ablauf der Zeit gingen die Piloten noch einmal auf die Strecke, um sich einen letzten Kampf um die Startpositionen zu liefern. Dabei für Chaz die sechstschnellste Zeit.

Im FIM Superstock 1000 Cup sicherte sich Sylvain Barrier vom BMW Motorrad GoldBet STK Team dominant seine fünfte Poleposition der Saison. Der Franzose fuhr mit seiner BMW HP4 einen neuen Streckenrekord, und unterbot dabei die alte Bestmarke um mehr als sieben Zehntelsekunden. Sein Teamkollege Greg Gildenhuys (RSA) qualifizierte sich für Startplatz 20.

Chaz Davies:
Schnellste R. Quali.: 2:06.057 min (P10) / Schnellste R. Fr. Training: 2:06.441 min (P12) / Schnellste R. Superpole 3: 2:06.369 min (P6)
„Wir haben unser Ziel, aus einer der ersten beiden Reihen zu starten, erreicht. Aber es war ein seltsamer Tag. Ich muss zugeben, dass ich mit dem Bike in der Superpole nicht vollkommen zufrieden war. Es war etwas schwierig zufahren. Das hat es nicht einfach gemacht, auf einer schnellen Runde alles herauszuholen. Doch was unsere Performance über die Renndistanz angeht, waren wir heute Vormittag nicht zu schlecht. Ich war damit recht zufrieden, aber wir müssen noch nachlegen, da das Bike mit den Unebenheiten im Belag noch Schwierigkeiten hat. Daran werden wir heute Abend arbeiten, damit es morgen passt. Unser Ziel für die Rennen ist, auf das Podium zu fahren. Es wird sicher interessant, denn ein paar der Jungs können ein gutes Tempo gehen, doch ich weiß nicht, wie lange sie das über die Renndistanz halten können. Die Haftung lässt hier recht schnell nach, also müssen wir abwarten, wie es morgen läuft.“

Marco Melandri:
Schnellste R. Quali.: 2:06.283 min (P11) / Schnellste R. Fr. Training: 2:05.859 min (P6) / Schnellste R. Superpole 3: 2:13.317 min (P15)
„Es war ein schwieriger Tag. Ich bin heute Vormittag recht schwer gestürzt und dabei mit meiner rechten Hand und dem Ellbogen auf den Boden geprallt. Nun spüre ich Schmerzen in den Fingern und kann meinen Ellbogen nicht richtig beugen. Deshalb fällt es mir schwer, schnell die Bremse zu lösen und Gas zu geben. In der Superpole habe ich mein Bestes gegeben und bin die erste Runde mit dem Messer zwischen den Zähnen gefahren. Doch dann hatte ich in der zweiten Runde ein mechanisches Problem, und die Qualifikation war für mich damit beendet. Das Bike hat noch Schwierigkeiten mit den Unebenheiten im Belag, aber wir arbeiten daran. Dass ich aus der fünften Reihe starte, macht die Sache nicht einfacher, auch wenn unsere Performance eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht ist. Jetzt muss ich mich erholen, damit ich für die morgigen Rennen so fit wie möglich bin.“
Serafino Foti (Sportdirektor BMW Motorrad GoldBet SBK Team):
„Es war kein guter Tag. Wir haben auf dieser Strecke Schwierigkeiten mit dem unebenen Belag, und dazu hatten wir auch noch Pech. Marco hat nach seinem Sturz trotz der Schmerzen versucht, an der Superpole teilzunehmen, aber wegen eines mechanischen Problems konnte er dann nur eine Runde fahren. Wir haben noch Arbeit vor uns, bis das Bike startklar für das Rennen ist, denn wir konnten unseren Job heute nicht zu Ende erledigen. Zudem wird Marco morgen wahrscheinlich Schmerzen haben. Doch ich bin sicher, dass er alles geben wird, um den Schaden zu begrenzen und das bestmögliche Ergebnis zu holen. Chaz ist recht zufrieden. Er fühlt sich auf dieser Strecke etwas wohler als Marco und hat im Verlauf des heutigen Tages seine Performance verbessert. Er ist für morgen gut gerüstet. Im Warm-Up werden wir daran arbeiten, uns weiter zu steigern.

In der Superstock-Klasse hat sich Sylvain die Poleposition geholt und auch einen neuen Rundenrekord aufgestellt. Dabei hat er die alte Bestmarke um sieben Zehntelsekunden unterboten. Dies ist ein sehr gutes Ergebnis, das uns für morgen wirklich optimistisch stimmt. Wir hoffen nur, dass das Wetter gut sein wird. Denn wir haben morgen zwei Superstock-Rennen und die Ergebnisse sind sehr wichtig für die Meisterschaft. Greg braucht noch etwas Zeit, um die Strecke kennenzulernen.“
Andrea Dosoli (Technischer Direktor BMW Motorrad GoldBet SBK Team):
„Heute haben wir den Rennsport von seiner harten Seite erlebt. Leider hatten wir mit beiden Fahrern Schwierigkeiten. Chaz hatte im freien Training ein mechanisches Problem und konnte deshalb nicht die ganze Session fahren. Marco hatte in diesem Training ebenfalls Pech. Er stürzte und war danach sicherlich nicht in der besten Form für die Superpole. Dann konnte er wegen eines weiteren Problems aber leider kaum fahren. Chaz hat sich für die zweite Startreihe qualifiziert. Das ist angesichts all der Widrigkeiten, mit denen wir heute zu kämpfen hatten, ein gutes Ergebnis. Das Positive ist, dass er sein Gefühl für das Bike verbessern konnte. Er ist mit dem Fahrverhalten seines Bikes zwar noch nicht ganz zufrieden, da er Vibrationen spürt. Doch wir werden morgen im Warmup noch etwas anderes ausprobieren, damit wir ihn in die Lage bringen, ganz vorne mitzukämpfen.

Auch Marco hat sein Gefühl für das Bike verbessert. Das Heck arbeitet besser als gestern, und er ist schnellere Rundenzeiten gefahren. Auch sein Rhythmus ist nicht zu schlecht. Doch es wird sehr wichtig sein, wie es ihm morgen geht. Dass er aus der fünften Reihe losfährt, ist keine Hilfe. Doch er hat uns bereits in der Vergangenheit gezeigt, dass er ein guter Starter ist – und morgen muss er einen seiner besten Starts hinlegen. Dann sind wir zuversichtlich, dass er die anderen einholen und versuchen kann, mit um die Spitzenplätze zu kämpfen.“


Date: Saturday, August 03, 2013
Camier and FIXI Crescent Suzuki robbed of front-row start as the weather intervenes

FIXI Crescent Suzuki’s Leon Camier saw a front-row start cruelly disappear when the session he was competing in at Silverstone in England was cancelled due to rain during this afternoon’s Superpole at the eni FIM Superbike World Championship event.
Camier had continued with the form he showed on Friday by finishing this morning’s second qualifying session on top of the time-sheets, to give him second overall on combined times and followed that up with third in the final free practice to signify his intentions for the Superpole. The Englishman – who celebrates his birthday tomorrow - made his way comfortably through Superpole 1 and 2 and into the third and most significant session. Camier immediately used a qualifying tyre and set a very impressive lap-time to take third place and what looked like the team’s first front-row start of the season. As the session wore on, small spots of rain fell around the 5,902m Silverstone circuit and immediately Race Control red flagged the session and declared a Wet Superpole, making all the previous times void. This led to a 20-minute session that would decide the front three rows. Camier started well on his Yoshimura-powered Suzuki GSX-R and was again in third when larger spots of rain fell, forcing all riders back to the pits. As the rain cleared the track was dry enough for some fast times, but unfortunately Camier wasn’t able to improve on his time and will start tomorrow’s two races from seventh place.
Jules Cluzel again made another step in the second qualifying by taking a further 0.7 seconds off his best time from yesterday and making his way into Superpole. He again showed his qualifying skill as he set the fastest time in Superpole 1, but wasn’t able to replicate that and missed out on progressing to the final session by just 0.008 seconds. His time was good enough to give him 10th place on the grid and a start immediately behind his team-mate.
Sunday’s two 18-lap races look to be an exciting affair with both FIXI Crescent Suzuki riders determined to perform well in front of the team’s home crowd and the many sponsors, partners and guests that will be joining them at Silverstone. The first race is scheduled to get underway at 12.00hrs local time, with race two ready for the off at 15.30hrs.
Leon Camier:
“I’m really upset by what happened in Superpole, but it is what it is and we have to accept it. We have been second or third in every session so far this weekend and I was third in Superpole 3, which I thought was good enough, but typically with how our luck seems to go, it sort of half dribbled at the wrong time and my time didn’t count. The few spots of rain didn’t affect us as we had already done the lap-time, but even when I was on my lap it wasn’t enough to slow me down, but they decided to stop it and end the session anyway – which was really frustrating. In the wet Superpole I went out on race-tyres and instantly went fast because it wasn’t wet and I set the third fastest time, which again I thought would be good enough because it did start to rain a bit more, but again it proved that it wasn’t. We went out at the end and I tried the kerbs to see if there was enough grip, but there wasn’t and I had a bit of a moment so I backed off, but everyone else went quicker and that was the end of it. We have improved this weekend though and the bike is working really well, we still need to find a bit of consistency on race tyres, but I am sure we can be challenging tomorrow, they are long races and anything can happen.”
Jules Cluzel:
“I was happy with the feeling in Superpole, because we have improved the bike and I had a good feeling with the race-tyre. I put in a qualifier for the first Superpole and the bike was great so I could do a really good lap-time. In Superpole 2 I started with another race-tyre and did a better time and the feeling was still improving, so this is good for the race. With the second qualifier I expected to improve, but I had a strange sensation in the front and I nearly crashed, so I didn’t have the best feeling and I made a big mistake in the last sector, so this cost me a place in Superpole 3. I am disappointed about this, but happy with the way the weekend has gone because I am here to improve on every exit and I have done that and now tomorrow I think we can make a good race.”
Paul Denning –Team Manager:
“In terms of outright performance, it’s been another positive day at Silverstone for the FIXI Crescent Suzuki team. Leon was quickest in final qualifying this morning, third in free practice and looked to have qualified third in Superpole when the weather and some bad luck intervened. I don’t really have too much to say about that, other than I hope it doesn’t compromise the race tomorrow, but starting from seventh isn’t a complete disaster and we’re looking forward to Leon translating the pace he’s had all weekend into two very good results tomorrow.
“Jules has found more confidence today and Les – his Crew Chief – has worked patiently to improve the GSX-R. He only missed the final nine in Superpole by just eight-thousandths-of-a-second and improved his race pace. He’s enjoying riding the bike now, which is a big part of any riders’ performance, so we hope he can show his racing spirit tomorrow and make us proud.”
Silverstone – eni FIM Superbike World Championship – Wet Superpole:
1. Eugene Laverty (Aprilia) 2. Carlos Checa (Ducati) +0.219: 3. Jonathan Rea (Honda) 0.348: 4. Loris Baz (Kawasaki) +0.375: 5. Tom Sykes (Kawasaki) +1.219: 7. LEON CAMIER (FIXI CRESCENT SUZUKI) +2.045: 10 JULES CLUZEL (FIXI CRESCENT SUZUKI) NO TIME:

3rd August 2013

Latest SBK News: Round 9 - Qualifying - Silverstone - 03/08/2013

Race 1 Conditions : Wet

Rea on Silverstone front row
Jonathan Rea will start tomorrow’s ninth-round World Superbike races from the front row of the grid after setting the third-fastest time in this afternoon’s Superpole at Silverstone in the UK.

In an often-confusing Superpole, the 26-year-old from Northern Ireland lapped the 5.902km circuit in a time of 2m05.078s, just 0.2s from pole sitter Eugene Laverty.

Superpole 3 was declared wet after all participants had registered a flying lap of Silverstone but those lap-times were scrapped in favour of a 20-minute wet session, which in fact started dry. After some light rain, the riders went out again with just a few minutes remaining on the clock to register their final lap-times.

Rea’s Pata Honda World Superbike team-mate, Leon Haslam, qualified for Superpole 2 but was unable to progress and will start tomorrow’s two 18-lap races from 12th place on the grid.

Jonathan Rea – P3 2m05.078s
I almost lucked into that, which wouldn’t have been nice, so it was really cool to go out at the end with some dry track so everyone could put in a lap-time. I actually only went out to practice a start but I saw how dry it was out there and thought I’d give it another go. It’s a good job I did, because I would have been bumped off the front row position that I took with my earlier lap time. It was a little chaotic but I’m quite happy to be on the front row because it’s good for the team – we made a big set-up gamble today and I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s two long races. It’s also the last race that my wife Tatia can attend before our baby is due to be born so I hope we can put on a good show!

Leon Haslam – P12 2m05.573s
We’ve been struggling to find the right chassis settings most of the weekend and ended up going in a few wrong directions today. We thought we had something for Superpole but that turned out to be a mistake, even though I don’t think it would have changed the result too much if we hadn’t tried it. Hopefully, we can rectify that tomorrow and have a good go in the two races.

Pieter Breddels – technical co-ordinator
Unfortunately, Leon has had some problems with settings here. We have made a few changes to the bike and ended up going nowhere. I think we should have been at least top eight but we’ve ended up 12th, which I’m a bit sad about. We’ll have to re-think one more time and come up with something for the warm-up. We got a bit stuck with Jonathan, too, but some last-minute changes paid off and we were a little lucky that Superpole 3 got red-flagged. Third was a good result, but we still need to find a little more tomorrow to fight for the podium.

Silverstone second row for van der Mark
Dutch rider Michael van der Mark will start tomorrow’s ninth-round World Supersport championship race from the second row of the grid after setting the sixth-fastest time in this afternoon’s second and final qualifying session at Silverstone in the UK.

Fresh from winning last Sunday’s Suzuka 8-hours race in Japan, the 20-year-old was able to adjust back to his Pata Honda CBR600RR to lap the 5.902km Silverstone circuit in a time of 2m08.939s.

His Pata Honda team-mate, Lorenzo Zanetti, battled through the pain of injuries sustained in a 255kph crash at Moscow two weeks ago to record the 14th fastest time. The 26-year-old hopes to battle further for a top ten position in tomorrow’s 16-lap race at Silverstone.

Michael van der Mark – P6 2m08.939s
Today we made some big improvements, especially in the earlier free practice session, and we were able to improve the lap time. I also had a much better feeling for the bike. At the start of qualifying this afternoon we went OK but found another big step at the end, improving the lap-time and the feeling some more. I’m quite happy with our grid position – the times are quite close but my lap times are really consistent so I hope we can fight for a good position at the front.

Lorenzo Zanetti – P14 2m09.565s
I’m quite tired now! After two days of riding, the pain has really started to arrive! But I have been able to improve in each session and I’m quite happy because, before this session this afternoon, I was not sure I would be able to race tomorrow. Now I want to race and maybe it’s possible to fight for the top ten. I’m still fifth in the championship and not far from third, so if I can take some good points tomorrow that would be good. I hope the adrenalin will help because I want to race first for me and second for Andrea Antonelli.

Pieter Breddels – technical co-ordinator
Lorenzo has done a very good job here considering he is not fit and in a lot of pain. Although he has finished 14th, the times are quite competitive. I think he can take something for the pain tomorrow to see how he feels. I hope he can fight for some points for tomorrow before a well-deserved break. Michael is on the second row and managed to improve his time in the last few minutes of qualifying. We have improved the bike but I think he can be in the group fighting for the last podium place.


Sofuoglu Second On The Grid After WSS Qualifying
WSS, Silverstone, Great Britain, 3 August 2013
Kawasaki Mahi Racing Team India rider Kenan Sofuoglu placed second on the grid at Silverstone and in doing so puts himself in a good position to go for a race win at the long and fast English circuit.

Sofuoglu’s team-mate Fabien Foret was seventh on the grid and now starts from the third row for Sunday’s single 16-lap WSS race, meaning he has some work to do to get to the very front in the first few corners. 

Sofuoglu was particularly pleased to be so competitive at Silverstone and did a long run race simulation this morning in free practice, which went well, putting him in confident mood for the race on Sunday. He was balked by backmarkers in qualifying or he could have got closer to pole man Sam Lowes, who is also the only rider ahead of Sofuoglu in the current championship standings. 

Kevin Coghlan (Kawasaki DMC-Lorenzini) was a happy home rider at Silverstone, the Scot taking his Ninja ZX-6R to fourth place on the grid, leading off the second row riders. Florian Marino (Kawasaki Intermoto Ponyexpres) was fifth fastest rider overall, with returning Kawasaki man David Salom (Kawasaki Intermoto Ponyexpres) ninth, making him the final rider on the third row. Injured Intermoto Ponyexpres rider Luca Scassa was 20th.

Kenan Sofuoglu: “I am on the front row after qualifying and that is quite OK. In any case, the bike is working very well at Silverstone, even better than I expected. I did a race simulation in the morning and the results were very strong. I could do a very fast lap time quite easily. I am ready, the bike is ready, and I am just waiting for the race now. I hope we are going to win the race.”

Fabien Foret: “I cannot really fly over one lap in qualifying so far this year and I am paying a price each time with a less than perfect starting position. My ambition was the first two rows of the grid each time but here I am on the third row. These races are always difficult if you do not take a place in the leading group early in the race. So hopefully tomorrow I can get to the front at the beginning. I am not pleased with the way I am riding right now but I am a racer and I know it will be better for me once we reach the race itself. I just need to make up a little bit of time somewhere and we will see how it is tomorrow.”

Sykes And Baz On The Second Row After A Bizarre Superpole
WSBK, Silverstone, Great Britain, 3 August 2013
Tom Sykes and Loris Baz each lost a chance to take pole position after rain appeared in the final Superpole session, cancelling the result and bringing forward a final 20-minute ‘Wet’ Superpole.

In what was the fourth Superpole session on track, but by regulation the third and final one as the results stood, Loris was fourth and Sykes fifth, meaning they will each start Sunday’s races from the second row of the grid.

At his home round Sykes initially set a remarkable 2’03.362 second lap in the eventually cancelled Superpole Three (with Baz right behind him and also under the previous track best) but that time was nullified when the session was red flagged with four minutes to go.

The re-run Superpole Three eventually delivered dry conditions, but in changeable early wet conditions Baz was fastest, before he was finally pushed to fourth place as the track dried at the end.

After the confusion of the final Superpole qualifying sessions both top Kawasaki riders are still in strong positions for raceday itself, after finding good solutions for the Silverstone challenge relatively late on in race weekend. 

They each now face two 18-lap races on Sunday, with Tom looking to add to his season tally of five race wins, and Loris trying to repeat his first career win at Silverstone in 2012.

Mark Aitchison (Kawasaki Team Pedercini) was 16th after regulation qualifying, one place up on Federico Sandi (Kawasaki Team Pedercini).

Jeremy Guarnoni (MRS Kawasaki) was the top Ninja ZX-10R rider in the FIM Superstock 1000 Cup combined qualifying sheets in fourth and leading a run of five Kawasaki riders from fourth to eighth place. 

Tom Sykes: “If those are the rules then that’s what happens but at least we got back to the second row and not the third. There had four minutes left of the session when they stopped it and turned it into a wet Superpole. I am far from happy because nobody even looked at a wet tyre. On the positive side tomorrow is another day and row two is not too bad. We have struggled a little bit all weekend but when it really mattered Kawasaki, the boys, and especially my crew chief Marcel have given me a package that I was able to do something good with. I was more comfortable on the bike in that session and the lap time was not so bad. I was riding easier than I had been all weekend. My qualifying time that got cut was really good. I will just re-set myself for tomorrow now. It is the race result that counts, second row is good and we have a strong race setting.”

Loris Baz: “I do not know whether to be happy or gutted! This morning when I woke up I never thought that I would be able to get fourth place after Superpole. Honestly I do not understand the rule that we have to stop in Superpole three and then have 20 minutes of ‘wet’ Superpole. All the same I made a very good time in Superpole – can I say – Superpole ‘four’. Then the track dried out near the end and I was able to take the top position again, until I got stuck behind another rider in two crucial corners. That was a big shame and maybe it just was not my day. I am really confident for tomorrow now and I want to thank my team who did a mega job yet again.”